Saturday, December 7, 2013

Jewelry and Accessories Expo 2013

Yes, yes, yes,  I know.  I haven't posted in ages and rightly so!  I've been learning mesh much in the way a baby learns to walk.  I've been drooling over the possibilities and crying myself to sleep.  Well not really... I've been studying and practicing and sleeping. No tears.   Oh yeah, I was invited to be in the Jewelry and Accessories Expo for 2013!   The image below is lifestyle shot for the expo gatcha.
You can get that bracelet and five other colors at my gatcha in the expo gatcha area!  Here's a link to the gatcha location.
 I have some of my old stuff in the expo booth but the items I have for sale that are new are all 100% original mesh!  My first set.  Awesome.    The gatcha is an orginal mesh piece as well.   To get the complete set you have to play the gatcha because the matching bracelet is a gatcha rare.   I'll be re texturing the set to sell in the store later on by the expo version is an exclusive.  This is the first full set of original mesh work I've ever done.  It will only get better but I'll never have a first again.  Kinda like sex. 
     2013 J&E Expo exclusive from Digital Aura modeled by Paradox Messmer.  Photography by ByrneDarkly Cazalet.  It must be noted that Dox is a good friend of mine and Byrne is his partner.  I could not have wished for a better duo to help capture the moment.  Thank you both and I hope everyone reading this will take the time to come by my shop at the expo . Here's the link to the expo booth.   Digital Aura at the 2013 Jewelry and Accessories Expo!