Thursday, April 25, 2013

The 7th Unknown Hunt ends on April 30th as you can see from the poster so if you haven't picked up the hunt gift you may want to do that soon!  Digital Aura is store #9 in it.  It is a one time hunt for new designers so I won't be in it again.  It's sort of a rite of passage for new designers like me.

Here's the latest release for April.  The Makena Surf Anklet set. This anklet set has a narrow and wide versions for both legs so there are a total of four anklets.  The box contains male and female sizes but both are equipped with resizer scripts so you can fine tune the fit.

The Makena Surf Anklets match the anklet I made for the 7th Unknown Hunt.  That bracelet will be available for sale at the main store and market place at the end of the month.

Friday, April 12, 2013

The 7th Unknow Hunt - Makena Surf Bracelet Hunt Gift

I know the month is nearly half over but that just means you have successfully avoided the early rush of hunters!  There's a sign for the hunt in store which will lead you to the first store if you're interested in finding other designer's items.  Here's the ad for mine.

The hint for finding the Unknown Hunt item in my store is "Check the Sweet Spot."